
Who can you trust....

24 Jan, 2025

This link is about a police officer who abused some women he had arrested...

This blog is about why trusing someone just because they've a title of power or authority, is not a good idea. And you may disagree, by saying these creeps, like the one on the link, are the minority...but are they? Regardless, how do we distinguish them from the good ones .....I don't think you can, unless you are a person of incredible intuitiveness and someone with a lot of people skills. So I think when ever a person is in a vulnerable postiion and relying on the professionalism of someone, always have your guard up and be aware, and watch for obvious signs of inappropriate behavior. Some of which I've experienced....

I've had doctors, a lawyer, policemen, employers/bosses, landlord, and a few others, make inappropriate advances, remarks, and act unprofessionally while needing their help, or using their services.....This is part of my reasonsing for never accepting the thoughts from those who judge a person based on the position or title they hold. A job title doesn't give a person credibility, their actions and characters do. Remember this next time you discuss professions with someone. Sex workers can be awful people, and they can be the best people,  but so can a doctor, and so can a teacher, or cabbie.