
What would you do?

05 Feb, 2025

I was having this discussion with someone, and ever since, it's been on my mind. As it's a subject that causes me to wonder, what's right, or wrong, or perhaps there is no right or I ask, what would you do.....

  When you know of a person who isn't of good character, or who's hurt other people, who's said or done things that weren't kind, but they are good to you, so would you, should you, become friends with them, or do you keep them at bay, and disallow them from becoming friends. And if they are connected to other people you associate with, do you also keep those people at bay? As they say, "birds of a feather flock together"....If there is truth in that statement, then if one person is bad, doesn't that make those whom they associate with, also bad? I feel this way about some of my peers. There are some in my industry who I think are cold, calculating, backstabbing bitches, but does that mean all those they duo with, or associate with, are also like that? I mean, can nice people associate with those who aren't nice, while remaining nice? This is a conumdrum for me......I tend to cut off all those I think of as "bad", and I also cut off most they associate with. But am I doing the right thing? The same applies to those I befriend outside of my "work". I won't remain friends with those who associate with people I know who have hurt or who've been means to others. And the hurt could be anything from gossiping, to theft, dishonesty, etc, etc.....So what would you do, and am I being to harsh? I believe that how anyone treats me isn't the only thing that should factor into my decision on whether or not to become their friend. How they have treated others should also factor into my decision .....but maybe I'm wrong? And btw, I also feel this way about the clients I see. If I know of a client who's verbally bashed, who's time wasted, or who''s done anything unkind, or unprofessional to another escort, I won't see them. And if I've met them, without knowing of their behavior, and they've treated me well, and find out after the fact of their behavior. I wouldn't rebook them. As I believe, not all money is good money....but then again, maybe I'm wrong?