
Twitter drama.....

05 Feb, 2025

There was more drama on twitter recently...More piling on.....An American escort wrote some rather unflattering comments about touring ladies. It was my understanding that she was incensed that a gent had considered her being a (FMTY) "fly me to you lady," the same as being a touring lady. She felt the two had no similarities, and that ladies who toured were gross because of the number of clients they had to see to meet their monetary needs and because in her opinion, seeing more clients, would cause the likelihood of catching std's. This lady also made a comment that BV (bacterial vaginosis) was one of those std's easily caught and spread when seeing a higher number of clients.That comment alone caused more uproar. Notably, as BV isn't an actual std, so some say..... Bv is caused by an imbalance of good and bad bacteria growth in the vagina. You can get it without having sex...yet.... Some will insist it is a STD as it generally occurs among sexually active women....although, "they", meaning medical practioners, don't know specifically what causes BV....and when googled it does comes up under STD's...I"ll allow my doctor to determine which category to put it under. My opinion about seeing a higher number of clients as being more likely to cause catching an std, obviously the more people you have sex with the more risks you take. But I also believe you can have sex once, with one person and catch an std...So whatever someone else does sexually, as long as it's with another willing adult, is none of my business......anyhow.....

The reason I'm writing this blog, is because I found it upsetting at how many piled onto that American escort, and used her "bad moment" as their moment to shine. So many copied and pasted, or quoted her comments and added their own demeaning comments about her.....That American escort made a stupid and unnecessary comment and instead of correcting her, most made fun of her, belittled her in the very same way her comment was belittling towards touring ladies...... But how does that make them better? Doesn't that make them as bad as her?.....AND.... How does that correct anything? What examples are they? If you want /expect better, don't you have to be and do better. What happened to "community", to helping one another improve....what happened to acceptance and understanding.... Why didn't someone just say to her that her comment was harsh, unfair and to please redact it....But no, they just turned the tables and did exactly what they themselves were upset at, and started denegrating and making fun of  her. So that American escort blocked everyone.

 In this industry you have so many escorts blabbing on about how this is a community, how we're all here for one another, LOL!! Yeah right...until someone within the community says something wrong, then they jump all over them and bully the person into submission. Then they'll sit back feeling all justified when the escort who was in the wrong, becomes unable to operate or earn a living........So many in this industry are so two faced, it's laughable, sad, and truly disturbing......but typical..

Out of all of it, I was most surprised when one local lady, whom I had thought was "Switzerland", by that I mean, I thought she was accepting of all and understanding to most, made the comment towards being blocked by that American escort,  "I don't give a fuck"....The harshness coming from her, truly surprised me. But then again, I don't really know her. And when I saw her showing lots of love towards another local lady known for throwing other escorts under the bus I thought, Birds of a feather? If her comment was so harsh because she felt that American escort was deserving, you can't take a stand against her, then show love to someone who acted in the very same way to other escorts...... I mean physically/mentally/verbally you can do whatever you want..... but imo, if you do doing so makes you two faced.....but then again, maybe she won't give a fuck, lol...... Many in this industry only care about those who bring them business, who'll advance their career and that American escort has no affect on her income, nor "community"......Nor will my thoughts/comments,lol.....  To them, community isn't everyone within escorting, it only includes those that they work with, visit with, and who bring them in $$$$....everyone else, is fair game....The lesson I've learned from all of this, is my skills at discerning nice people still suck, lol, and that I'm so happy to be a free thinking independent without a modus operandi and without feathers,lol........