
The worst kind of clients....

24 Jan, 2025

I've met many a wonderful client.They are typically professional gentlemen, married, or not, and simply looking for moments of pleasure and escapism. Once those moments end, they'll  then disappear back into their daily lives, until their desires are again ignited.They undestand that screening is a necessary process, and seldom do they decline it.They are not interested in speaking about their escapades. Nor do they  gossip about people in the business, or about those they've met. They aren't trouble makers, and if issues arise they settle them respectfully, and quietly.They don't seek out, nor participate in drama. Reviews boards are of no interest to them. These are cherished men..... 

The worst kind of clients are just the opposite to all of the above......Visting with escorts becomes a hobby, a game for them. They join review boards and post prolifically and become entrenched in all that is said there, and even into the lives of those who are mentioned on the boards.They make other peoples business their own, and discretion is an uncommon theme to them. Drama is something they seek. They will book an escort without letting the escort know of their review board identity/status, as a way of seeing some escorts who are steadfastly against seeing these types of clients.They are keyboard warriors, who get off on writing anything and everything, positive, or negative, about any escort they deem worthy of their comments.They actually believe they can affect change with their board memberships, and commentary, lol. They'll loudly cry foul if an escort does the slightest thing wrong on their dates,  never accepting any blame, and seldom will they agree to be screened, because they'll claim, "they've to much to lose".....When in fact if it became known that they had visited an escort, no one would give a crap. Because most of them, in their day to day lives, are invisible people. These types of clients are more often than not, blue collar, working under someone. They often cry about how hard they work for their money, and will be the first ones to gripe about escort rates rising, quoting what we should charge, and what services we should offer for those fees.They stand out on the boards like lightening in the sky, and they are the worst kind of clients. Please don't be like them.....