
The grudges some hold.....

24 Jan, 2025

Back in 2015 there were a few ladies who worked together to have me ousted from Lyla ( A review board), Emily Rushton was one of them. And it appears Emily is still working in ways to support keeping me off that site. I only wish it would sink into her head, and into the heads of others, that I'm not nterested in going back, so her showing support to those mentioning that my ban is still implemented just shows how much of a grudge this woman still has. And all because I wrote truthfully about my experience with her on that site back in my years of membership, way back in 2011-2015.....I believe I had said I was tired of Roamingguys constant promotion of her back then, how she had only been curt and rather condescending to me and never responded to any of my posts, even the flattering ones. Basically, I found her to be pompous, curt and someone who is known for using clients .

I shouldn't be surprised though, by her continuing to carry this grudge... someone who stoops to the level of sending out malicious emails, anonymously, to try and ruin the reputation of another known Halifax redhead for no good reason, shouldn't be expected to forget someone who wrote a few negative words about her years ago, regardless of their truthfulness....these vindictive and vengeful types carry their grudges forever, it seems....

This is a lady who would never interact with me, which is no big deal, and her right, but she would still expect me to give her client references, lol. Then when I refused to give them, she'd have someone else contact me for them....or now that I think about it, maybe it was her, pretending to be someone else, lol. That is just how sneaky she can be. It is just weird imo, for anyone to want something from someone they want nothing to do with..... Be mindful, this is a lady who will use or engage clients, to get back at other escorts. This is a lady who uses her platform and position to ruin others who don't fall in line with her.....This is a lady who often promoted hierarchy among escorts and who I believe has little regard for those in this industry in positions less privleged than hers......she is a sheep in wolves clothing and certainly more vengeful than professional. For those who revere her, good for you, if your experience has been different, great, that doesn't justify her treatment of me or the other lady's I know she's tried to ruin. And I'm sure some of you know to what I am referring....I'll leave it at that. See her as you see fit, and I will do the same.

After thought...maybe her and vegeta85 can team up and conspire some way to get back at me for speaking truthfully about them, lol..... or maybe they'll even marry, maybe Lyla will host the nuptials, LOL!!! Oh wait...that can't happen can it, ......wink!