
So the bullshit continues...

24 Jan, 2025



This would be none of my business, but the person involved in this drama is also the very same person who some time ago, felt entitled and justified in copying and pasting an excerpt from my blog, not a link, but a full copy and paste onto Lyla, and brought drama from that site into my life...... ( and btw, this site,, which she took the excerpt from, is Dmca protected). It remained on their site for a number of days before it was removed, and again, at no cost to the copy and paster. This person who claims to have an "unapologetic mouth", seems to be able to get away with just about whatever she chooses to do on Lyla, with the mods and admins of Lyla and some other sp's aiding and abetting her. I can only imagine the anger and distrust the client who was outed, must now feel......What will she post next? That sp only area, and the site itself, has always been a  popularity contest and places where gossip flourishes, favortism rules, and it just depends on who's back is being scratched, as to whom will end up ousted (banned), or safely stayed within it. 

  It's been a number of years now since my membership was ended on cerb/lyla, and before that happened, I too was ousted from that sp only area....why? Because a still active ebony member, who loves butterflies, felt the need to report me to the mods because she wanted them to believe that I was a safety risk. Back then, I was a new kid on the block, a new member to Lyla, she had been a member for 3+ yrs, at that time. Being new, initself, was threatening to some. I was also strongly opinionated, even more so than I am know, lol....I was also not part of any escort collective, and I had differing views on escorting to many on that site. Namely, I didn't believe that any bare services were safe......In those days, and because of what I had been taught, I believed  that giving oral without a condom was a big no, no. Yet for many on Cerb, (Lyla) then, bbbj was common practice, a necessary service to be provided if you called yourself a GFE escort, and touted as being safe......I've since developed a different perspctive A different story for a different blog, lol)...anyways, back to the rat who reported me, lol....... She told them that I was still running escort services, lol. She told lots of people, lots of different things. She does seem to enjoy perpetuating untruths....At that time, anyone who was affiliated with, working for, or running escort services, was deemed unsafe to be allowed into the sp only area. The irony is, at that time, she was said to be still working ocassionaly for different services.....I wasn't. I still had two of the phone numbers, but I no longer had any employees, nor was I advertising as a service. I no longer wanted any dealings with other escorts and I was completely independent. I had my fill with dealing with escorts who had no problem working for pimps, lying, stealing, etc....When I joined Lyla, then called Cerb, I advertised openly using one of the phone numbers. I wasn't hiding it. As it would have been silly to move to online advertising and independence with a new number when I had so many clients who still favored finding numbers from the newspaper and the phone book and who wouldn't know how to reach me had I changed that number. No one I associated with had known anything about review boards, back then.... I kept the second number because I had paid nearly 6000$ to purchase it (I paid off the existing bill left by it's former owner) and, had I just let it go, another unsavory person in the biz would have gotten it....So.... this vindictive ebony escort, who by the way, back then, and unbeknownst to me, had worked for me, and apparently everyone else who was running services.  And who also claims to have a "truly sweet, one of a kind personality", must have forgotten her "sweet side", lol. She must have found her spiteful and vindictive side, the day she reported me. The effort she put into convincing some that I still had affiliation with my escort services and that I wasn't trustworthy was impressive. So... I was evicted from that sp only area....and here we are today. Different type of drama, with different players ....But the same vindictiveness, favortism and ass kissing, seems to be occuring . Another sp (escort) has been shown to have posted a clients complete id in that SP area, for all to see, and she still remains a member, yet another was banned for being honorable. Funny how some can get away with some things and others can't. And no, to my knowledge/experience, showing one another full client id's isn't necessary, nor common place. Sharing the names and numbers of problematic clients is....

 The seriousness of this imo, is being overlooked and will only make things harder for some of us to assure clients that their information is safe in our hands. Unless a client has been proven to be threatening, violent, or dangerous, only then should his indentity be made known. Even then, I'm not sure that posting it in a review board sp area, where no vetting is done, is the best way to deal with it. And Lets be honest, there are those escorts who do share information from that sp area , among their friends, (clients and escorts)....even though they're not supposed to, and not always with good intentions, or for valid reasons. So, what is allowed to be posted within it, should be very limited and carefully vetted. Dangerous people need to be dealt with beyond review board posts, and dealing with them needs to inolve the police or other professionals who know how to handle matters properly. Outing anyone is a serious matter.....and how that is handled is important. 

 So, as it seems, and even all these years later, there are still the same types of games being played, the same types of favortisms being shown, and the same disregard for those who aren't part of the "in crowd"(few favored escorts) of the day........ Although this is no surprise to me, I do hope that it opens those eyes who are surprised by all of this, to exactly how biased and unsafe those types of sites (review boards) actually are. I don't believe that there is any truth in their statement about them wanting to keep all escorts/clients safe. If that were the case, all their members would be shown the same treatment, and their concern for the industry and those involved within it would stretch beyond their site. From my view, nothing has changed, if anything, it's become worse.... 

*Update*....see the thread on  titled "Nervous Nelly" in the discussion section of Nova scotia escorts for more.....

 The hypocrisy within the thread is entertaining to say the least.....So...this outed member (NN) is now being described by a couple of escorts, to be a trouble maker, someone who no showed them, had multiple profiles, said to have written some fake reviews, had shown id that was questionable and so on. BUT another escort, who is NOT a part of those escorts clique, has come forward to claim that she met him more than once and was treated very well by should he have been outed by having his personal details posted in that sites Sp (escort) only decide. I will add, that on that site( Lyla) and over my years when I was a member there, there were a few male members who played the same types of games as this other guy (NN) is being accused of playing, and they were never outed in this manner, nor banished from the site. As a matter of fact, one of the outspoken ladies in this thread, actually defended one such client, because he paid her and treated her well. This is why I continue to have disdain for that site and for some of it's members. It's a biased site run by hypocritical people who'll allow their favored members and friends to get away with the same shit they'll ban or condemn others for. An example of Lyla"s bias towards some, a member named vegeta85, a couple of years ago, said quite a few disparaging remarks about me and posted them on another site and showed himself to be troublesome, yet no one from Lyla complained then about his posting crap all over the internet and he was allowed to maintain his membership on Lyla. (Remember, Lyla claims to be a site all about community, and protective of *all* ladies) A couple of years later..... He went on to make disparaging remarks about the escort (SA) who outed the other member (NN) and posted those remarks on another site (sp411) , and for that, Vegeta85 gets banned from Lyla. (SA) comments in the (NN) thread  that the reason for his ban was because " he cross posts bs on sp411 (another review board) but note his doing this only became problematic when he did to SA!!....... She (SA) also makes the claim that because a client treats one escort well, doesn't  mean he'll treat others well......Yet one of her friends defended a client who did just that .This client booked a few ladies all for the same day/time and only paid a couple of them, me being one he didn't pay. He was also known to have stalked another escort, yet he paid (SA's) friend and treated her well, so he was defended and said to be a good client. On Lyla, it's not about inclusion, but just depends on who does what to whom as to what action, or inaction will be taken and the only time a serious issue is addressed is when it happens to one of the members who is favored by or a part of the board...... I had to laugh when (SA) used Vegeta85's posting stuff from one site to another as the reason for his ban, as she (SA) did the exact same thing to me....As I mentioned before, she had no issue in the past, copying an excerpt from my blog and then pasting it on Lyla, lol,.......maybe she'll post this one too!!......Seems she can " cross post stuff all over the internet", yet, apparently, when someone else does it to her, only then does it become problematic...... The hypocrisy is rampant, the bias pervasive, and the bullshit they like to spew about "being all about community", and protecting all ladies, is just that, bullshit. 

 To summerize.....An escort outs one guy and chases him off the site/review board because he was said to have been shitty to her (SA) and some of her(SA) "friends". Yet another escort who is not a part of their clique came forward and commented that this guy was good to her and that she saw him a few times without any issues and she gets mocked by SA and is not given any support. Other shitty clients who are good to the escort (SA), and her friends, yet shitty to those who aren't members, or whom aren't part of (SA's) clique,  apparently get to remain anonymous and maintain their memberships!! And good lord, it turns out, the escort, (SA), that percipitated all this drama, is a part of Lyla's town council, as she claims in one of her comments, LMAO. It doesn't get any more ridiculous than this!! GT's last comment concerning the admin of that board, hit the nail on the head!