
She pity's sex workers....

24 Jan, 2025

I'm referring to this person and conversation on twitter.....

Sadly I interacted with her and as you can tell from her replies she has a skewed and very biased view of people in my industry. Certainly escorting has it's issues as do some involved in it. Yet people like this "hellcat"(her twitter handle) woman seem to have a need to believe we are all alike, have no ability to add to society, nor any value as human beings. It saddens me how some people so blindly judge us. I will also say that no matter the job/occupation you involve yourself with, it will not determine whether or not you raise a family, build friendships or add to society. All of those things are choices people make regardless of the work they involve themselves with, and it is ignorant and ill informed to think other wise. I will also say that when I worked for other people I felt more "fucked" than I do escorting. When I ran another business, not related to escorting, I kissed more asses than I do now, and I also had far less freedom of choice and work hours, etc, than I do now. I kept coming back to escorting because it worked and works for my personal and financial needs.That shouldn't need saying, nor explaining. It is somewhat of a lifestyle, and it definitely is my chosen career. I hope someday people like this person will see beyond their own morals and misguided judgements to realize that some of us need and enjoy work that differs from the usual and that acceptance of others is a path to happiness.