
Review boards.....again.

05 Feb, 2025

As I wait for my client to arrive, I'm writing this as a recent thread on twitter, got me a little angry. Because far to often in threads about the negativities of review boards, only the slobbyists are mentioned. Never is there mention of the escorts who pander to them.... And before I lose my train of thought, I wanted to write this.....

I often see some ladies make posts about "slobbyists" (a term used for egregious hobbyists) and (hobbyists is the term used on review boards for the men/clients who are members). They'll criticize and speak about the abhorent behavior of these guys, and for good reason. But they'll also neglect to mention that these guys exist because escorts are seeing them and giving them service and the boards that these slobbyists live on are also the same boards some escorts promote! When I mention this, these ladies always become defensive and will come up with a myriad of excuses as to why escorts see who they see and why that is not their business who other escorts see.....Yet they'll also speak about the importance of community, keeping everyone safe, being supportive, etc......If that is the case, then what others do, who they see, should matter to us all, as it does affect us all, if we *are a community, that is......I understand that some escorts don't have the privilege of choosing who they see and I am sympathetic to their needs, but in most cases the escorts who are griping about slobbyists, and who are promoting the review boards are the escorts who DO have the privilege of choosing their clients. No matter how or why an escort does as they do, we should all want to be honest about how and why review boards and their problematic members exist...... The fact remains, there is no such thing as community within escorting....everyone is doing whatever they need to do regardless of how it affects anyone outside of their circle, and review boards exist because both escorts and clients use them. It takes two to tango... Bad clients exist because someone is servicing them and the boards provide them a place to post their slobbyist garbage.....If you slobbyists to disappear, if you want a sense of community, you have to stop servicing problematic clients, stop promoting the boards and start respecting the needs of escorts not only who are within your circle, but within the profession. Or the cycle of slobbyist behavior will just continue. Escorts need to stop being complaisant, complicit, and start taking responsibility for their part in the negativites caused by review boards and their troublesome members.... But most won't. Because some don't care where their money comes from, they just care that their money comes. And some won't speak out honestly, as they've a fear of offending their peers and clients.......So the cycle continues........If you want change, you have to be willing to make changes. Or continue to complain about the same things happening over and over again.

**This well written piece from an escort I follow on twitter, explains why she has chosen to have a no review policy, and her perspective concerning review boards. I suggest reading this well written post by the lovely Samantha Skye , with her permssion, I've linked it here