
Piling on......Edited, lol, lots of misspelling

05 Feb, 2025

(yikes, just reread this blog, my apologies for all the misspelling. Hopefully I've corrected it all)

Once again twitter is full of escorts bashing one another.....Every now and then an escort will post their dislike to some types of clients, services, or lengths of bookings....Sometimes these comments can be taken as insulting, as some word them poorly, and some will intentionally word them to be sarcastic.....Then you'll have lots of escorts take their frustration or disagreement out on the OP of the tweet. They pile on.....I used to partake in this piling on. If I saw a post I found in poor taste I'd also add a harsh retort. It's been a long time since I've responded that way....I finally realized that piling on, that insulting, or joining groups to defame anyone just encourages more bad behavior. It takes you to the same level....If someone is insulting someone, or something, insulting them back doesn't solve anything. I believe that hate spurs more hate....If I find it necessary to respond I try to do so with understanding and either ask a question as to why this person feels as they do, or believes what they say, or I just stay out of the conversation. Sometimes people say things out of emotion, without thinking. Sometimes hurt people say hurtful things, and sometimes uninformed people say things they wouldn't if they knew better, and sometimes people are just mean. When they are being intentionally mean it's best just to remain mute.

Anyhow, this "piling on" seems to be happening more and more. I see it as bully behavior. To many people are to quick to lash out and quick to judge. More need to be understanding and less invovlved in other peoples thoughts.....Just my thoughts for today.....May your day be peaceful and prosperous