
Oh the irony.....

24 Jan, 2025  Interesting fodder?..... So I can say, I wasn't aware that vipfavors/leoslist is part of the lyla brand....apparently I'm one of a few....

It is ironic and funny to hear this, since many, many lyla diehards, go to lyla to vent about their frustrations about leos list, because of the many shams and fake ads found there. Then while on lyla, they proudly proclaim leoslist should be avoided, and that lyla is the place to seek out great providers...lmao. See the irony.....Although I think it is great marketing for those behind the sites, it's a win win for them....for now:) But isn't is disrespectful to those  long time and known lyla members who are forced to take mug type shots to prove their identities on leoslist, to get a discounted posting rate....all but one lyla member, that is. She apparently got a pass, as she was allowed to use older, professionally shot pictures....oh the irony......