

Oh the irony....

24 Jan, 2025

I've often posted on twitter the ridiculous texts I often get from strangers....their comments/replies are often worthy of comedy central, or deserving of an idiot of the year award......the commonality between many of them is how these "strangers" expect so much from me, and escorts in general, all while professing their need to remain anonymous and that an escort shouldn't require a potential client to divulge any information about themselves. Yes these same guys want us, the escorts, to prove ourselves to be real, by posting reams of selfies/pics, descriptive bios and personal details about our daily activities, yet in return all they want to give is a text app number and some made up is that even reasonable?.......In this world of online dating, both parties have a responsibility for one another too make each party feel comfortable with in person meetings.

 A *professional* escort puts out enough information through advertising on mulltiple platforms, within which, many expect us to verify ourselves, with posting and maintaining personal websites, and social media accounts where we post multitudes of selfies and other details that show we are real......the least the client can provide is his real name and phone number.....another irony in this scenario I speak of, is that the majority of the guys who complain about escorts wanting their personal information, is that most of them wouldn't have anything to loose if they were blackmailed, or hustled, or robbed. Yet they act like they are holding the worlds wealth, and the noteriety that would make world news. Most of them are blue collar workers making ends meet, and there is nothing wrong with blue collar workers. It's just that if you're the local mechanic, or store manager, don't act like your a Bill Gates, or a John Ghotti...........Look, finding a relaible/safe escort isn't complicated these days. A professional escort will advertise on more than one site, she'll more than likely maintain her own website, have lots of pictures, most which can be image searched to verify they are hers, some will have reviews ( I don't allow them) and most will have a social media account (twitter, instagram, onlyfans, etc) cross referencing all that information should give any client the comfort in knowing they are dealing with a pro and an escort that will be relaible and trustworthy. The problem is, most of these guys who whine often about being robbed, ripped off or blackmailed, don't go for the pro's they seek out the unknown, the new, the escorts that have no history......then blame the whole industry when they're hustled by a scam artist, or phony escort......I also recommend speaking to the escort before you meet. If they don't allow a personal conversation, think twice, and in saying this I realize that many great escorts only allow texts, and emails, but it is my opinion that hearing a voice, it's inflections, how someone speaks, is a great way to determine many things, namely, professionalism and chemistry.....