

24 Jan, 2025

I read a tweet the other day in which another escort commented that "being ourselves" wasn't what clients are looking for.....I believe what she meant was being specific to an escorts other professions, or specialities. One of my other professions was an esthetician...Her point if I'm understanding her comments correctly, is that no client would want me to go on about beauty/ esthetic services, or to have a discussion about them...But being an escort, esthetician, and the other things I've done and  learned, is what makes me who I am, lol....and I like to talk about all of that. Some clients appreciate that. Although I understand her point, and that she was meaning that when a client meets an escort, they're generally meeting them for a fantasy. They don't necessarily care about that escorts "real life", or their other abilities, or even if they're actually acting or not.

However, I don't completely agree with her. I understand that many escorts are "performing" for their clients. Their identity and social media is playing to the crowd, and that those fantasy portrayals are, for some, what's desired.....And that is great, for them. However, I'm not an actress.  Nor am I interested in being anyone but myself. My socials and these blogs I write, are indicators to that......I also understand that I'm probably loosing some clients because of my choosing to be authentically me. On my twitter, I post things that interest me....I don't just post sexy pics. my schedule, or other sexy ladies. In this blog I write whats on my mind...sometimes that is interesting, sometimes redundant, and sometimes it's harsh and every now and then I'll write something sexual....Regardless, I write about how I feel about particular topics based from my experiences, my emotions and knowledge. See that as you will......

It's a shame that in this biz, more aren't open to accepting all types of people, and all types of business practices. I notice that so many in this biz will communicate how things "should" be done. Instead of just accepting that not everyone is like them and offer a more welcoming and less judgemental approach......