
Lyla....edited...edited again Aug 10

24 Jan, 2025

Lol, yes I'm lurking again..... this site (Lyla) can be a source of entertainment. Not great entertainment, but often the ridiculousness that is posted there can be somewhat funny. So when I've some free time and I'm bored, I'll read some of the drivel posted on some of the "hobby boards".....

This thread        stood out. Not because I know any of those people, or because it was special, but because the silliness of it. You have one guy making posts about how much he likes one specific escort, and another poster finding that suspicious and griping about it. Let me say.....many of the posters on that board, and for many years, have done, and do the VERY SAME THING. Yet no one calls them out or raises brows at their behavior.....why? Because that site allows some to get away with crap, and doesn't allow others....Back when I was a member, there was a client with the initials RG, who would constantly post about a provider with the initials one called him out. There are also MANY others who also show favoritism to specific people. It's how most hobby boards work. They have their cliques. So to the guy complaining and suspecting, I'll say, move on...unless you're going to call out ALL the people who favor their favorites, lol. People favor people. The only thing wrong with that is when it becomes obvious that some can get away with doing it, while others can't, and that is the theme on that board. If you spend anytime there you'll get to see who is moderating, who the admins are, which ones are posing as clients and even other providers, and who they favor, lol.

Edit: I see they deleted the thread this blog is about. That seems to happen when I link one of their threads  here in my blog, it gets deleted. That site has never tolerated anyone speaking honestly about it.....

I'm adding to this because after reading that site  yesterday I noticed a review of a particular escort, an escort who has in the past called out anyone who did anything questionable, and who had appointed herself as an advocate for the industry( and is clearly anything but). This review was from a "client" who had joined the site only hours before writing her review.....YET no one called that review as being questionable, nor that "client" as being suspect because it was written by a member who had just joined. So...once again, I point out, on that site, Lyla, it just depends on who does what, as to what drama will unfold. Some can get away will crap, that others can't.... and it's laughable, at just how obvious it is!