
Lyla again!!

05 Feb, 2025

Once again this review board has allowed one of their members to post retalitory crap on their board.

 In the general discussion area one escort has started a thread to "warn others" that another escort has an STI and is spreading gonorrhea. The escort posted a leolist list link to the escort she claims is spreading the STI, and Lyla, the review board, has allowed this......

I take issue with this because how does know the escort has the STI? Have they seen the medical tests and if so, how do they know those tests are real, and not from a malicious source?.....How do they know this isn't being said/done just to ruin this escorts name/reputation..... how do they know this other escort isn't saying this out of vindictness. Even if they had seen the medical records or been given medical proof that any escort or client has an STI, they do not have the right to post anyone's medical issues, with good intention, or not and should not be in the business of gossip, or of accepting second hand information/papers/pictures, etc. That is crossing a very dangerous line and should cause everyone upset. No one should be okay with this thread and should be advised that if this board allows this type posting, then I'd be very wary of them having any of your personal information......

A review board does not have the right to post anyone's personal information, that includes medical histories, real names, addresses, etc....A review board is not the place for anyone to make medical diagnosis, nor should names, or pictures, or links to those be allowed.....Review boards ARE NOT places that have the experitse to review medical tests/records, nor should they even accept them as proof of anything.. If I were that lady mentioned, I'd be calling a lawyer, and doing so ASAP!!! Shame on you for being so unprofessional.

We all want each and everyone in escorting to be safe, yet there are boundaries that can't be crossed. We all want those who are acting out in dangerous manners to be stopped, yet there are right and wrong ways of making sure they are stopped. 

Shame on all of you who continously and fervently support this board for not calling this out!!

Update: So the post has been removed, and in it's place, a post saying that "specualtion" isn't allowed on their site and that " Since when? It wasn't all that long ago one of their most coddled members copy and pasted one of my blogs onto there, with her specualitive comment that I did not want to be a "Team player" and other such posts have been posted in the past!! The updated post also said "that luckily the post wasn't up that long"....seriously!! It was up long enough to harm that escort! Shame on you for being so careless. Your site controls leolist, yandex, Vipfavours, and I'm sure I'm missing some other sites.... you've the ability to prevent this from happening! You've a mod/greenteal, who's ontop of every single post, yet this sladerous post was allowed to sit unnoticed! Why? Because it bore no information about anyone your site deems important, or worthy of protecting. Had it been about one of your minions, you know it wouldn't have even been posted. So much hypocrisy and favortism there....The mod also added that they didn't want to have to moderate everyone, lol....isn't moderation about moderating everyone/the whole site? Or do they just moderate those who don't kiss their asses....