
Lexy Grace.....

18 Oct, 2024

So you may wonder why I am openly mentioning this person by her alias and why I'm being so unkind with my words.........Well..... when someone, who over the years has written and told numerous lies and insulting comments about me, with the intention of bringing harm to me, my reputation, and business, I will no longer be mute, discreet, nor kind towards them. I will always name openly those I know to be spreading lies and who have no issue trying to harm me, my reputation, or my business.....

But why now?....Well her name has come up a few times recently, and it triggers me.I do believe there is someone up to no good, as it's no coincidence that when I make mention of someone, a thread will soon appear on a certain site speaking of that person......I had mentioned her name on twitter in response to some post then not long after, someone had posted a thread asking if anyone had seen her recently, and then they responded they had seen her and that she is now toothless, and that life must be very hard on her..... That comment has since been removed. Now I see there is another thread where someone is mentioning her in a positive light, would that be a coincidence or damage control? Anyhow, anytime I see or hear her name, it reminds me of just how shrewd, callous, calculating and vile she has been and sometimes I find it cathartic to vent about her here. Especially, since I don't believe people like her change. 

So here is my remembrance of her.....I met her decades ago when I had escort services. She had called me looking for work. Remember what I said...She called me. Anytime we worked together, SHE called me wanting to work, wanting to make money.... And when any escort was interviewed, they were asked specific questions, and I explained how I worked, and asked them to show id. So they had a choice to work or not, within my boundaries.... She later bragged in an online post how her id shown was her sisters, as she, (Lexy), was supposedly underage. She wrote how she had found it funny that she had deceived is that funny? By doing that she had put me and anyone else in my company in jeopardy of a police bust!!....Back then it was next to impossible to get black girls appointments. So I never interviewed many. 98% of men who called wanted someone white, preferrably blonde or brunette, young (19-25) and petite or young and Asian.....older/mature escorts too were also hard to find appointments for, back then.....Yet many years later, Lexy would tell others that I worked her like a dog. How did I work her like a dog, if I couldn't get her much biz?.....She contrived many lies. Another was trying to convince many that I was the one who was reporting posts on craigslist, because she claimed that I was jealous of everyone, especially her. Back then craigslist was where many people advertised, and it was at that time, that posts were being removed because of the U.S. taking a stand against trafficking, and online escort advertising. Eventually no one could advertise there and the sections to advertise in were removed completely. Yet she tried hard to convince many that I it was all my doing.....I wish I had the wherewithal to know how to screenshot then, as I'd be able to post her exact words here today.... She also tried many times to have me kicked off of the review board, cerb (now lyla), on which I was a member, (2011-2015), by reporting me for whatever she could contrive to be against their rules. She contacted the mods there numerous times in order to convince them that I was running services whilst being a member there, which wasn't the case. The amount of time and effort she put into having my reputation and membership revoked, was impressive, lol. She did eventually succeed with having me evicted from that site, along with the help from Emily Rushton, Gabriella Lawrence and probably one ot two more, lol....Which did me the world of good in the end....My reputation however, they'll never tarnish....

So to whomever is stirring the pot now, by writing threads about her, go ahead and stir...I speak the truth. Lexy will have to live with all the troubles she caused, all the lies she told. Because I'll continue to recant them anytime I see her name mentioned. She'll try and convince others that I'm wrong, that she never did any of it, yet there are others who have experienced that side of her. There are others who know......Lexy has to live with her karma. Some will try and protect her. But karma gets us all in the end.....So perhaps there is some truth in what that person wrote, that Lexy is toothless, and looks like life is being very hard on her, if so,  perhaps thats her karma. Which I won't celebrate. I find no comfort in another persons hardships. However, I will also feel no empathy, nor sympathy for someone who has been so very cruel and dishonest and for no good reason. I believe there are people who have good in them, and then there are people who are no good. One type you forgive and try and understand, the other, you warn others about....