

I'm hoping June....

24 Jan, 2025

I was hoping May  would be the month I'd start seeing clients again, sadly that has now been put off until June....At least I hope June...... It might even be July. I'm hoping I'll be able to hold out until they say it's safe and the emergency is lifted, even if that time surpasses July, but my finances will help determine that. Living on savings is not the easiest. I've had a couple of lovely gentlemen reach out and they have pre-booked for a future date....thank you to them....I'm hoping more will too. As I've also made plans to start a course once isolation ends and it will require $$$$$ to do tha course, a challange with no income. I realize things are difficult for many, but there is also many who are fortunate enough to still work, and those who remain financially stable even in light of these times.

I remain hopeful knowing that each new day is a day closer to normalcy. I had posted a thread on twitter asking ladies when they had planned on reutrning to in person dates....the answers were varied. We are all in different circumstances, no one should judge anyone's decision regarding returning to work. As the expression says "unti you walk in someone's shoes". At the beginning of this pandemic so much judgement was circulating, so much hate towards those unwilling to stop working. Which was disheartening to see. In times like these we need to come together and support one another and help those who are worse off than oursleves, not separate ourselves with hate and judgement......Going forward lets remain hopeful, stay as safe as possible, and please...... be kind.....