
I don't get it....

24 Jan, 2025

So the school shooter in Georgia is going to be tried as an adult...  

Yet the 16 yr old in Toronto who has been caught torturing and killing animals is being protected.  His identity is being withheld and the charges he'll face are minimal.He was arrested and released... Both these kids, imo, are psychopathic, and both should face equally harsh sentences.The first kid was taught to kill animals by his father, and praised for doing it. Teaching a child to hunt, praising them after a kill, is problematic, clearly. Children have a hard time understanding death, and children are so very impressionalbe.To teach them to hunt and kill at a young age, *might* be a lead into killing, and enjoying killing anyone, or anything.....And if you think that is a stretch, prove me wrong.... It is possible that the praise the child received for hunting and killing animals made it easier for him to later target humans....In the latter case, in which that child killed and tortured pets and other small animals.....his parents too have to hold some accountibilty. Both of these kids are a danger to society, and because one killed humans, and the other only animals, at least as of today, The law has decided one should be tried as an adult and the other looked at as being a youth, and protected by youth laws....I don't get it, nor do I agree with those decisions. Both are murderers, both are clearly disturbed, and both clearly have a lack of respect for life. I'd say the animal killer is more of a danger to society than the school shooter. Especially since his actions aren't being taken seriously  His arrest will amount to nothing, and the protection of his identity will just encourage and able him to continue with his demented thrill kills. Most documented serial killers all admit to starting out killing and torturing animals....That behavior is not normal, nor should it be minimized because the victims are "just animals", or "just pets"....I know many think differently than I. I realize that many consider human lives more important than other animals. That in itself is a whole other discussion for another time. Regardless, when anyone is known to enjoy killing anything, I say lock them up. They are clearly dangerous to all. To enjoy killing anything, regardless of the species, is not normal.The intent and action of the crime should be considered as importantly as who the victims are. Just how I see it. 

Sidetracking....on the subject of guns...I found this post poignant