
How low can she go....

24 Jan, 2025

You know that redhead who travels around Canada living out of a suitcase.....well apparently *she* can't go any lower....once again I've had another client who's spent time with her, who has then booked me, tell me she told him NOT to see me. She should understand that when you tell *some* people who not to see, that often times, causes intrigue, and cements that persons decision in wanting to see me, lol.....

I've been told by a few clients over the years, that she has brought my name up, without any mention or encouragement on their part. Before I went away on vacation, I had met a new client.....and once again...... this seems to be a story always other words, it's not new news, as I've heard it before and from a few clients.

I've blogged about this vindictive, obviously insecure beotch and how she teamed with some others ladies, years ago, to have me kicked off of the review board Lyla....apparently that wasn't enough. Apparently she also seeks/has sought to ruin my reputation...... I have to assume many of the games played on me following 2015 (the year I got kicked off of lyla) and possibly even prior to then, have been instigated by her and her ilk.....Since I don't really believe in coincidences, and since there are far to many incidences that have occoured and with those people who were followers/admirers and or clients/duo partners of hers.....She seems to enjoy recruiting people to hate whom she hates.....and why? Well I can only assume it's because I've stood up to her. I've called her out on some of her bullshit, and I've blogged here about some of those incidents. She doesn't handle well, being wrong, or being talked back to....obviously!

What I find astonishing is that she has no shame in presenting herself as a professional! How is it professional to tell clients who to see and who not to see.There are a few women in this industry, and yes they all support one another, birds of a feather, as they say, who seem to consider themselves to be the "stewards of sex work", the "escort police", and the "know it alls of escorting" . As they seem to feel just in pointing out to all who is to be favored, and who is to be villified, deserved or not....  

 When any escort tells their clients not to see someone simply because they have dislike for them, that escort is no longer acting in a professional capacity, but in a selfish, immature, vindictive capacity. They are NOT concerned with their clients well being, they are only concerned with their selfish spite. Each of us should feel just in warning clients of dangerous escorts. Those with nefarious intentions, who rob, or who do anything that would put a client in jepoardy. Yet this one is telling clients not to see me because I've ruffled her tail feathers......How pathetic!! Imagine being that vindictive, that threatened. Imagine stooping that low. There are a few ladies in this industry that I dislike, yet I have NEVER told any client not to see them......Why? Because none of those ladies, to my knowledge, has ever done anything to a client, besides lying to them about other ladies, that would jeopardize the clients well being. I also believe that when a client comes to me he doesn't book me to here my gripes with some of my peers, he visits me to receive good service, have interesting and positive conversation, relaxing massge, and share in some intimacy. I'm sure there are those clients who enjoy her type of cattiness and gossip, all you have to do is  read any of those review boards she is a member of, to know this. The boards thrive on that crap, and they are full of members with her mindset.....and a few who have the sense to call them out! Unfortunately, the latter don't post often, nor speak out enough.

Anyhow, there isn't much I will do other than gripe and explain myself here. As I won't stoop to her levels, nor is it in my character to play the games she seems to enjoy. I'll stick with the belief that those who want to meet me, will, regardless of who says what. I know there are men out there who can think for themselves. Who can read between lines, and who appreciate those of us who advertise professionalism, all while practicing it.