
Escorting then and now.....

24 Jan, 2025

The differences in the escort industry between my agency days-working for and running them, and now, are vast, imo. In my agency days we were taught that volume was the thing, the more clients you could see the better. An hour apptointment meant the guy could cum once, and had nothing to do with the 60 minutes. Sometimes an hour appt was 15 minutes....It certainly never exceeded the 60 mins booked, unless additional monies were paid, Unlike today, where many escorts will offer extra mins for free to keep or attrack clients. If the client wanted to cum more than once, he tipped. We didn't do 1/2 hour appts, We hustled for tips, meaning that most escorts would want extra money for intercourse and the agency/hourly fee would typically cover a handjob and or oral. Bearing in mind the hourly fee back then was far less than what is charged today, and we only got half of that. So hustling for tips was necessary and that was just how things were done. Competition wasn't obvious, as most agencies were charging about the same fee and the girls who received the most calls did so because they had good bodies, pretty faces or both. Not because of how many tmes they made their clients cum, or bare services they provided. Then clients just wanted to get off with an attractive escort and then have you leave. They were happy as long as that happened. There were the occasional dinner dates, and multi hour dates, those too weren't fuck fests, like many clients demand and some escorts encourage today.( And by a "fuck fest", I mean when a client expects and an escort will encourage a client to cum as many times as his time will allow) The types of services offered back then, as far as I knew, were far more vanilla than what many offer today. Then, an escort would be fired for performing any type of bare services. BBBJ (bare back blow jobs) didn't exist, at least not at any of the agencies I worked at, or ran. Then came review boards......(my experience with them occured mostly between 2011-2015) and the internet. Things changed drastically. The agencies in my city at least, fell by the way side, and ladies became independents. With the review boards, BBBJ became normalized and almost necessary, if you wanted to be reviewed well, that is. And being reviewed well became a necessity to most escorts ability to gain clients. And many clients caught on to this and weaponized reviews. Clients knew if an escort had enough negative comments, the client might be able to ruin or effect an escorts business. So regardless of an escorts looks, skills, location, if a client wasn't happy with her, he'd write a negative review or comment in retaliation. If an escort held a grudge or saw another escort as competition they'd also scheme to have negative reviews/comments written about that escort. Truthfulness, no longer mattered,  positive reviews did ..... In my opinion, the review culture, also encouraged escorts to compete against one another. No longer would escorts openly admit  the realities of escorting or defend one another, instead, pandering to their clients became more important, and the norm. Clients pushing boundaries became the norm, expecting escorts to perform more for less, became the norm. Review boards became sites where cliques formed and those escorts who often were the highest reviewed, seldom were so because of their beauty, or skill, but more likely because of  how much service they gave for the least amount of money, who they did duos with, sided with, or which client they sucked up to, or sucked, to get that review. There are clients who aren't terribly liked, but will be seen because they are known to write nice reviews if they are seen. Review boards became popularity contests and places where clients gathered to boast about who they got to bang for the longest period of time and for the least amout of money. Everything that happened between the client and escort no longer remained private, but fodder for public viewing, all while those same clients demanded discretion and escorts preached about discretion being foremost.....see the hypocrisy? No longer could escorts make money by seeing volumes of clients, unless that escort had immeasurable energy and few other responsibilites. There are only so many hours in a day/night, if you see my point. Review boards also made it shameful for an escort to admittedly be escorting soley for income, how dare they!! If you admitted such truths on the boards you'd be brandished by all those escorts who claim to love all their clients and who also claim to suck every ounce of cum out of each of them. You'd also be brandished by some clients who believe that you can only be a good escort if you love what you do, if you enjoy fucking all your clients and only see a certain number of them per day/night/week/month......And here we are today......Obviously things weren't ideal back then, and certainly haven"t been up until today. We've still a ways to go. What is changing, imo, and thankfully so, is review boards and their participants no longer have the hold/influence they once had. Thanks to social media, many escorts are willing to speak out honestly and be more supportive towards one another, regardless of why or how we escort. Honesty is becoming more attractive/acceptable and the pandering less so. Those boundary pushing, cheap clients too are losing their audience and control, finally. Lets hope thngs continue in this direction. Lets face it, escorts want to make money, and clients want to have some fun. I believe in a fair exchange for both. But both parties need to be fair and realistic about what they seek and will gain......