

How dare I ask.......

24 Jan, 2025

It is apparently a no-no for an escort to blatantly ask for money on her social media is in poor taste, so some say.....let me say, what do you think we are there for? What do you think an escort sells? What do you think an escort supports themselves with? Are you really that selfish to think that we are there to entertain you for free?.......Or is it the asking, the "openy asking" that you find insulting....In all other aspects of our profiles clients want honesty....yet when we speak honestly, some become insulted and accuse us as being selfish and poor business people....I find this odd and very confusing......

 Thank goodness for social media, I has given many of us the ability to share oursleves, without the need for the of the outdated hobbyist pandering review boards. Social media platforms allows an escort to be herself, to set their own rules and to speak how they choose. Yet when we openly ask for donations, we are then persecuted for doing so? Do you think it is fair to expect an escort to post endless pics/blogs/comments/stories & other media for free? To you honestly believe we should only be paid for in person meetings or for accounts that only allow pre-payment(ex:onlyfans). Please think again.....posting on social media is work, it is part of our work, it is sexwork....see the consisitency here with the word...*WORK*....and ALL the *work* an escort does should encourage payment from you, if you are a fan or a follower.....if you are a tire kicker, or a free rider, then move on.  Wanting free stuff is selfish and inappropriate. We are not free entertainers, nor should you expect us to be. If an escort stating "that they expect payment for this or that", hurts your delicate sensibilities, get over yourself! Every escorts bottom line is $$$$$. If you need to hear how much we enjoy what we do.....then $$$ pay us, we'll give you many stories to enjoy about our enjoyment. We are business people, we are sales people, and those selling anything, expect payment for what they sell....we sell our time, our pictures, our stories, etc.....nothing is free... and let me once again say....expecting something to be free, is inappropriate, and selfish. If that is insulting to you, then why engage with a person who is selling their time and wares, go to a dating site and engage with those who spend their time posting and dating for the thrill of it all.....escorts don't....our number 1 motivator is money......and those who say differently are just talking you up, if you don't believe me.....ask them to see you for free, and let me know how that goes:).....

Thanks for reading.....