
Here we go again....

24 Jan, 2025

I'm speaking about the American election. It looks like another battle between that orange turd and Joe Biden. So much crap now on social media, it's hard to ignore most of it. My despise for the orange turd began after hearing his taped quote "grab em by the pussies". I started reading about him, watching him speak( body language), hearing interviews, and found my despise justifiable, especially as time went on. His ease at lying, promoting hate, racism, and destruction of bills that would protect the enviroment, also fed my despise. 

It wasn't long before 2016 that I had joined a review board, based out of Ontario. With each post I made I'd get a guy that would berate and insult the posts I made , me or both. He followed me incessantly. It was four years into my membership on that board, that this stalker admitted to having booked me when he was in Halifax. It took me a few days to recollect exactly who he was....then I remembered it was that client that had compared himself to Trump, back in 2016, lol. I remembered him distinctly. A very average man who was rude, uncomfortable to talk to and pushy.... Upon entering my bedroom after his shower, while I was laying on the bed, he leaned over and said that he was just like Trump. That He was a dynamic which caused me to burst into laughter, and I said to him that "yes I could see the resemblance"....I remember how angry that made him.It was my laughing AT him, that I believe angered him. He dressed hurriedly while spouting insults and when he left, he slammed my door so loudly one of my neighbours peaked their head out......This prompted me to despise Trump even more. As each time I'd see Trump on Tv/online, I'd be reminded of that other douche bag. I did beleive the two had much in common. Both hateful, narcissistic, mysogynistic, cowardly bullies, with a clear need to beltittle people in order to feel bigger, better, wiser. They're attention whores.....with the self control of a child and the empathy of a psychopath.....

I stopped my interactions with that awful client by leaving that review board, and by ignoring all his further attempts at bulling/stalking me. But now here we are again, entenched deeply in Trump shit for the next number of months....That is much harder to ignore, as it's everywhere.....not sure my sanity will survive seeing his stupidity day after day.........Lets hope these months pass quickly and that the end result will be him losing AGAIN!!...