


24 Jan, 2025

Soon, if not already, living on the peninsula will only  be possible for the upper middle class, and the wealthy. If you want a safe, clean and attactive residence, that is. The lower end buildings and less safe areas are now demanding over 1000 monthly for rents, many are over 1100, for a one bedroom. A nice two/3 bedroom will **start** at 1400/1500 monthly now..... so to those guys who whine about having to go to lower end/ unsafe areas to visit with an escort, keep these rental prices in mind. For those guys who whine about those of us who charge 300 or more an hour, keep those rental prices in mind. If you want incall the cost of that ladies rent/mortgage all play into her hourly rate. And please also remember, especially in these times, many of us only see 1 or two gents a week, if that...... and remove that thought that ladies are making their hourly rate, on the hour, hour after hour, each day they work....that is a fallacy. Travelling ladies, not included, since any lady that travels, including myself, will see more clients on her tour than she would when in her home wouldn't make sense to travel if she didn't. So please remember, a hotel in the city is over 200 daily/nightly, rents are up 2-300 a month, just in the past year or when you book  an escort and you feel their rate is too high, think again......thanks!!