

24 Jan, 2025

I've used 34 exclamation marks, the same number as the number of counts that bastard was found guilty on. I am beyond happy, but won't gloat, until after the next election. Since I know this conviction won't stop his deluded, ignorant, violent, stupid followers from voting for his sorry ass, giving this miserable, lying, foul mothed, racist, preverted, cowardly, pathetic, felonious piece of shit, a slim chance of  being elected as the next president of the U.SA. 

 Some of you know just how much I dspise Trump, I think that isampained to run to be president of the U.S.A., I've griped about his awful character, his narcissism, his constant lying, his racist actions, and his perversions. A person's character means a lot to me, and his is as foul as they come. I truly believe he has no desire to make his country better, I believe his only desire is to line his own pockets, and to garner power so his fragile ego can be stroked every time his followers gather to praise his sorry ass. The lies HE spouts, HIS actions, HIS crookedness is what got him to this conviction, yet he still fails to admit to that. His narcissism controls him. He is a weak coward. A  convicted felon!!!! And yet he says he is innocent, that the trial was rigged, and disgraceful. No Asshole, the only disgrace, is that you are still allowed to walk free, and that you are not YET prevented from spouting your pathetic, cowardly lies!! I'm hoping this judge, who Trump is still calling corrupt, takes this into account when he sentences him July 11th, A day that can't come to soon!! Now I'll go back to doing my happy dance!!