

24 Jan, 2025

Here we go again!!! 

 It has been brought to my attention that there is a person who claims to have seen me when I was using the moniker, Cristycurves,(btw, I used that monker between 2011-2015) who has also stated that associating with me will cause this person to not want association with those who do, (childish idiot).This person is claiming that they've heard and found out that I'm from Kentville, NS....So clearly there are others who are spreading these lies....Those who know me, know this information isn't true. And this "living in Kentville" is a new one, lol, because in the past I've also been accused of being from Sackville, NS. I've never lived or spent time, or grew up in either place.This person is also insisting that I have children....which I haven't had. Just to be clear and frank....I've had two abortions, both were necessary. I have never adopted, given birth, or had another birth children for me.... They are also saying that I was in banking there, again wrong....My past employments I won't speak of here, as that would give some to much information to dig into to create more rumours. But I can say I've never been in banking in Kentville or any where else in this province.....where this person contrived this information I don't know. But for christ sakes, I wish those who gossip and spread gossip would at least get their facts straight! If I had children, I'd proudly speak of them, if I lived in Kentville, I'd acknowledge that, why hide it? And if I was a banker, no shame in that either....I do hope that this person sees this and has the courage to contact me to apologize and explain why they are spreading so many untruths!! But then again, ever since I became an independent escort and joined the online review boards, so many rumours have been spread about me....sad thing is they never get their facts straight. It's shameful and pathetic that anyone feels comfortable spreading untruths about anyone, yet in this biz, it seems to be commom place and something that a few sick minded idiots enjoy doing.So to end.... I say to this idiot, "dislike me all you want, anyone has that right, but when you mention my name, or any of my monikers, you best add to them what's true, and not this type of stupidity". It's not a good look for you, or for anyone who follows your path!!


I will add....for many years I was frightened that those outside of my very small circle would find out about my lifestyle. I feared the repercussions, as there can be many, from people not wanting to associate with me, losing tenacy (that's happened), etc, etc.That was then..... I've distanced myself from most of my family for many reasons. My father is deceased now, and I've now been open with those who matter most to me.This type of freedom is powerful..... The only person I now protect from knowing of my lifestyle is my mother. And not because she'd stop loving me,or not want to be around me, but because she is the church lady type. She has very old school values, beliefs and she just doesn't need to know.She is aged and her last years should be spent living without the worry that knowledge would cause her. So I feel there is no need to tell her. She has no computer, no cell phone, still uses a land line. So I've no fear of her being able to find me online. I've family in lots of businesses, and different lines of employment that would give them knowledge...Some know,, some don't,  and so what, who cares.... After being outed at my previous residence, and now open with the people I care about, I've no fear of being outed again. I refuse to hide from anyone anymore, other than my mom.... So to those who are spreading rumours, who like to make up lies, who play silly little games. I recommend you make sure your closets are empty, and that you also have no one you are hiding your secrets from, who might be affected by them.....