
Go Greta go....

24 Jan, 2025

If you haven't realized it yet...I'm on team Greta Thunberg. I admire her greatly. Any young person, who is selfless enough to defer from all things typical to a teenager and instead go out and fight for a cause, is worth  at the very least, congratulatory praise.

 When I was her age I had no knowledge of environmental iisues, natures needs, political policies, etc. I was concerned with my friends, the latest clothing trends and boys!! So bravo Greta, bravo. You're initiative, you're abilities, you're personal appearancem your reasons, all have been severly and unfairly scutinized, criticized, mocked and yet you still go on, you still care and you still fight to make a difference. 

To those who say all she does is talk.......I ask you, what are you doing.Greta walks the walk..... To those who say she is a hypocrite....because all her travel is contradictory to her cause ....I say.....are you walking every where, are you making a concious effort to travel on a way which reduces your carbon foot print? she is.....  you did realize she sailed to the U. S. on a sailboat  and one eqipped with solar panels, none the less....would you have done the same? She is trying....she is making a concerted effort, are you? 

And of course that idiot in the white house, after Greta was named by Time as person of the year, had to chime in with his  twitter rant.... with.another show of his hypocritical, mysogynistic, jealous, tantrum throwing idiocy.....yes Trump, she made headlines that you'll never make....she's liked like you'll never be....and yes you old buffoon, even with her having a developmental condition (autism) her intelligence, ability to communicate, and her show of compassion, far surpasses yours......and many of her critquers! And isn't it funny the idiots wife ( Melania), the supposed representative to repress bullying, hasn't said anything......#Trumpsareajoke

So I say...go Greta go, ignore all the negativity and keep up the good fight ....... I thank you for all you do....