
Funny things I've read in 2025

24 Jan, 2025

So my perusing those hobby boards continues. lol. Recently I read where a guy complained how indiscreet the Asian agencies were. Since in many of their ads the agencies were posting the street name, or hotel name in which they were operating.This indiscretion caused one of the neighbors at one of their incalls to join the hobby board to start warning guys that their info Pics and license plates) would be posted on facebook if they continued visiting escorts at that particular location. What I found funny was this very guy complaining about this indiscretion is one who joined a few others to set up a private account on another site so they could discuss where ladies are located, and other information that should remain private. Nothing like calling the kettle calling the pot black, lol!!! Seriously though, this angers me so. Only when these idiots are affected does indiscretion become a serious topic. They're all fine when they're all being indiscreet and the only affected, or threatened, is the escort.....yet when they become the target of indiscretion, it becomes a whole different matter!!!!

Another stupid post, a guy stated a new escort who is posting was actually a familiar escort now going by another name, and with a new ad, advising all to visit her.....Turns out he was wrong.She is not that familiar escort, but someone new and another poster posted the former escorts location and name to prove him worng......Lol. This is funny because of their stupidity, yet not funny because they have literally outed the locales of two escorts......

When a guy admits that he's found out that an escort is a scammer so he openly admits to spending his time spamming their email and texts.....Birds of a feather, lol......Anyone who finds out a person is doing wrong and then trolls them, instead of just blocking them and moving on is imo, just as bad and not a client I would ever trust. Imagine if something went awry during our date. Imagine what he might then do....Vindictive people are often dangerous people and those who gripe about everything, as this person also does, should be avoided. Time is precious. We should all use it wisely, not for revenge.

A guy mentioned a new escort he found and asked to be pmed (private messaged) if anyone wanted info about her, as she had asked for her info not to be publicly discussed. Yet a bunch of guys started asking questions about her publicly, and then some started guessing and then mentioning her details, including her name, much for privacy, lol.....

More to come, the comedy on those boards is never ending......

I saw this one yesterday...A guy posted on twitter that "if an escort can only provide good service when she "vibes" with her client, then those she doesn't vibe with should get a discount".....

I'll say this....chemistry is a two way street. We all act differently towards someone when we feel a connection and a date is going to feel less transactional if the two people "vibe", and the sex, because of that, will also feel more natural and likely be hotter. BUT even when I don't feel a physical, or mental connection with a client, I still provide a great experience. It won't feel the same as someone I've had chemistry with, at least for me and possibly even for the client. However, I'm still going to offer that client conversation, massage and intimacy. So most certainly, he should not get a discount. Even with screening, and as much as I try and screen out incompatible clients, some men represent themselves one way when booking, and act another way when meeting in person.

Another post....A guy said that an escort can't advertise as a GFE(Girl friend experience), if she doesn't allow bbbj, or cim....Well sir, we can advertise using any acronyms we choose.Those acronyms DO NOT represent specific services, but a style of  a date, hence the use of "experience" and not service within it. PSE(porn star experience) is the same. It's a style of a date and not indicative of what sex acts may be performed. FS (full service) I believe is different. Anyone using that acronym should plan on offering a full service, which would entail a blow job and intercourse. Since the acronym is using "service" within it. Our local hobby board even has this listed on their site. That acronyms GFE, PSE are styles of a date and not an indicator to which services will be had. And most escorts think of our services as the sex acts we agree to, as well as conversation/entertainment, massge, fetish fulfillment, fantasy fulfillment, etc.....