
Falling from grace.....

05 Feb, 2025

Recently, there have been warnings posts about a once highly praised lady.The posts claim that she is taking deposits without providing services. Basically, stealing from clients......I don't know the truth of these rumors, or posts. I, like anyone, can only make assumptions based on what is written, which I detest doing. Because we all know that sometimes people will post lies just to defame someone. The issue I have, and why I'm writing this, is if there is any truth to those rumors, why isn't anyone reaching out to this person to see if they are alright? Someone doesn't go from being trusted and praised, to thievery, without something serious going on. I'm concerned for her. If this is happening, then this person is obviously in need of help. I'd like to know why her "community" members, her peers, her duo partners, are not speaking up, and also displaying a sense of concern? It's just crickets..... I find this all very sad and disturbing. BUT, then again, I've seen this happen before. I've seen those who have "fallen from grace", belittled, ignored, or even made fun of in the past.....It seems in this industry those who are quick to praise are also quick to defame.....and those who'll support you while you're raking it in, will throw you overboard, when you no longer can......I've yet to see much empathy shown from most who claim that this industry is a "community". Hopefully in this case somethings will change. Hopefully, if those clients who have made claims of being taken advantage of, are being honest, then I hope she'll make things right with them and that they will be forgiving. If she is in need of help, I'll hope she gets the help she needs. I for one would be willing to do what I can.....

 On another note.....I will continue to hope that those who take part in this industry, will come to understand that we all should want to be supportive, kind and respectful to one another, regardless of our personal feelings towards anyone. If we have any humanity or empathy at all...Since any of us who have been in this industry for some time realize, at it's best, just how difficult, and trying it can be. So....When any of us errs, or falls from grace, we shouldn't just sit back and watch, we shouldn't jump to condemn, instead we should offer help, be supportive, want to educate, to do something positive......Not condemnation, nor enjoyment at watching someone fall. We should also want to quiet those escorts and clients, who try and purport false narratives concerning the industry, and bias towards some of it's members. We should have the courage and concern to speak out against anyone trying to be harmful towards another. We should want to educate anyone who brags about their status, who equates success in this industry by who they see, or by how much they earn.We should explain why this way of thinking isn't true, nor helpful to them or anyone else.....This false narrative that any one escort is better or worse than another because of how much they earn, by how many reco's they receive, or because of who they see is so very old and tired. Your ideal of success may be night and day to mine.Yet in our industry we are constantly encouraged to measure up to someone else's yardstick, instead of our own.Sometimes those pressures can cause some mental health issues for some. We all have value, and NO ONE has the right to determine yours. I measure my success by my own values and needs, I suggest you do the same:) I will never force my values on you, and you should never force your values onto another.

In this industry, there are no hard and fast rules, other than the ones we each make for ourselves. Since we all offer different services, in different ways, and to different clienteles as independent contractors. What I may accept and except, another may not, and so on........

 Be happy with where you are. If you want to go further, I wish you a safe journey, I know you'll get there.