
Don't be Jimmy!!

24 Jan, 2025

It is beyond insulting for any man to contact me as this man did. I advertise that I screen, which means you have to identify yourself. I advertise that I require a phone call, and that your number has to be a real number and not a text app! So when someone like "Jimmy" contacts me, claiming to be an admirer, then tells me he has to remain anonymous, you bet I'm going to have an attitude! So let me remind those who need reminding...if you want to be intimate with me, I require knowing who you are, what you do, and other pertinent information I deem pertinent. This isn't a matter for negotiation. You'd have to be crazy to think that I would want to be with any man who isn't willing to trust me with his information, at the very least, provide with his phone numebr!!. So to all the "Jimmy's", please leave me alone. Contact those who don't care who they see...... 

 If any man was a "genuine" admirer, he'd have read my website, and know these things...... If a man was truly interested and reads the first page of this website, that should CLEARY indicate to him the types of clients I seek, and they are most certainly not "Jimmy's"

 It baffles me that there are men who think like this, who believe that wanting to be alone in a room with a woman so he can be intimate with her, isn't a justifable cause for him to identify himself. And that he feels his need for anonymity is the same as our need for it....It isn't. For those who can't understand that, please give your head a shake.....I'm sure it rattles!