We are all painfully aware now of the devestation in Australia due to fires....human lives lost and millions of other animals killed....please do what you can to help....I know it is a hard story to follow, hard statistics to hear, but every dollar will help. I've searched to find reliable orgs , you should as well. Rely on your own research to find an organizarion you feel comfortabl3 giving your money to, even the smallest amount will make a difference....one I found is https://advocacy.worldanimalprotection.ca/australia-bushfires?src=google_grants&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_DwBRAfEiwA3vwZYrY7ZPVrrKRFEqBnTn-43GANNNEVO-069gL-gH_QKgfNigIowAYkdRoCczcQAvD_BwE
or be like this local hero and raise some $$ by your own doing.......https://globalnews.ca/news/6395608/new-brunswick-man-shaves-beard-australian-wildlife/
or like these people.... we all can do something