

Difference between reviews and recommendations...and why I dislike boards

24 Jan, 2025

An opinion is a person's thought or experience of or about someone or is a recommendation, or a review.....isn't that fair to say? So if one escort forum tries to differentiate itself from boards which calls themselves "review boards", by calling itself a recommendation board, isn't that splitting hairs and simply twisitng words. Especially when the forum I speak of has in some ads, called itself a  **review board**"....... Sometimes this "discussion forum" will refer to itself as a reommendation board, other times a review board. Interchanging the terms, which seems to substantiate my point, that there is little difference. Yet they claim they're dfference is, that they don't allow negative comments......Although in my years on that board ( between 2011-2015) many would often write negative comments, albeit somewhat creatively. A common expression used then was  " My mom told me if I had nothing nice to say, not to say anything at all". Some clients would write that quote when asked about a particular provider they had a negative experience with, or didn't like, as a sneaky way of disguising a negative comment....Other sneaky ways of getting in a negative jab, were also used and used often. In those years, certain members were often given precendence and many allowances with how they wrote their comments.....So the perception that this "discussion forum" is trying to perpetuate about itself as being a better board and as  being a "safe" and "positive " place for providers, is as much bunk, as them trying to demonstrate a difference between the terms review and recommendation. All these boards have brain washed many into thinknig that writing about intimate experiences such as, "who does what" "how" and what they "don't do", as being a necessity for keeping every one safe, and a way of letting clients know which escorts are worthy of being seen, is bull shit, and nothing more than fodder for the soft porn lovers, and those that like to read their names in printed praise.....The escort industry had no more rip offs or nefariousness before the onset of reviews/recommendations, in fact, I believe there is more of it today, because of the boards.

My dislike for *all* these boards is because of how they've negatively impacted an industry that I love and within which, I have been involved for decades. I've experienced every aspect of this industry and blame most of the negativity within it, on the inception and continuation of these boards. They encourage escorts to follow their perceived ideals and they shelter a certain type of clientele and often revere problematic escorts. All this is very akin to the pimp culture which was big in the 90's.

 The review board clientele often refers to themselves as "hobbyists"...These "hobbyists" try and convince many, that boards help them " weed out" all the bad providers and discover all the good ones......when in fact, their bad dates are often their own fault. So many hobbyists will chase the shiny new escort, an escort who is unknown...without ever doing any research. They don't care if that escort has any trail of advertising, activity, website, etc. They only care that their pictures get them hard and that the escort accepts them. Then when they're ripped off, or duped, by one of these unknowns, they run back to their favored board and whine about the terrible scammers out there...and then bash the escort that had caused them issue. The problem with that is you don't know who is truly at fault, as only one side of the story is ever heard. All the boards allow these types of comments to be public, visible to members and non-members, even on Lyla,  and if not allowed in their discusiion forum, then it will be allowed in a warnings section. Again, writing openly negative comments about a client or escort *without proof* of a nefarious act, is a he said she said, and therefore should be dealt with privately. It is not the same for escorts. When they have an issue with a client, at least on Lyla, it can only be written about in a section not seen by clients, nor the public, nor can every member escort see that section. Since you've got to be a verified member to be allowed in. So if Lyla was truly interested in keeping the "community" safe, it wouldn't exclude so many. Nor would it so easily accept "he saids, she said's". The boards all work the same as far as their moderators are concerned. These people typically consist of escorts , clients, and some civie people. some retired. Which obviously sets the stage for bias against some.The boards also have people on their sites who purposely use multiple handles (names) . Which is a sneaky way of engaging forum discusions amd making membership appear higher than it is. These mods, in the years I was on Lyla, were biased, encouraged hierarchy, and set out dfferent rules for different members....Hypocrisy was rife then.....and appears to be ongoing. Since their claims to support the "community" are only offered to whom they like, within it, and not the whole of that community. They'll also allow certian members the "privilge" of negatively commenting towards a non-member, as had happened to me, last summer. A thread was started by one of their escort members claiming that I had called the escort numerous times, when she was touring here in Halifax and when the escort was asked by a client of mine for proof, the escort told him in that same thread, she didn't need to prove it, because "she knew". Then that escort accused my client of being me....that was all allowed to be said on their forum, and that client, was blocked by the mods from commenting further and was also barred from posting for a week, ( probably for supporting me) ....this is just one sample of their bias, favortism and hypocrisy.....

 The only positive aspect I can ascertain from some review boards, is allowing their escort members to advertise for free. Lyla doesn't charge, or didn't when I belonged, the other boards may. If they do charge, I'd say you'd be a idiot to pay........other than that, imo, the boards have taught clients to expect more and how to be slobbyists( the worst types of clients)....never did I ever hear of a client expecting to be sucked and fucked for the whole of his time, until I joined the review board culture. Never before review board culture had I ever experienced clients that wanted to blow their loads multiple times within a session, without tipping their escort. Never before did I ever hear of any type of bare services, until I joined the review board culture. Never before had I ever heard of ladies charging less to gain more clients, until I joined the review board culture. Never before had I ever heard of ladies not asking for tips, until I joined review board culture. Back in the day, before review board culture, ladies wanted to make more $$$ and do less work. Today it seems ladies want to make less and do more work.... There are so many negative impacts within this industry because of review boards, I'd need many more hours to write....and those hours would be a waste of time. Because it seems a waste of breathe explaining to some about these negative impacts. They've been duped into believing the misinformation and untruths the boards perpetuate and promote, much like like pimps used to dupe their women into believing they were better off sticking with them,  rather than without them........It is a shame that some of these ladies who favor the boards weren't more independent, confident, and saw the forest for the trees, and realized that all they need is a good website, and a  social media platform. If you work hard to set yourself apart on those, you can attract the types of clients who aren't the typical "hobbyists" and who''ll treat you as you expect and request. That acronyms don't define our services, only WE can define them. That boards need their members, escorts don't need the boards. and boards don't create good clients, good clients already exist and those good clients are people who realize the importance of good manners, humilty and respecting others...if anything, boards teach impressionable men to be pigs..... Alas....just like the pimp culture died in Halifax, I will hope the board culture will is pointing in that direction....