


24 Jan, 2025

Not long ago a client asked me for a date, out to eat....He was surprised when I expected that date to be a paid one. I too was surprised, by his surprise. I have some lovely gentlemen that I see, and who I enjoy visiting with. Yet I'd never consider a visit with them without a payment. I don't date anyone conventionally. Meaning all my physical and social needs are met through my escorting dates, and that is how I like it. I now have the luxury to pick and choose who I see and when. I'll admit, sometimes I'll swing into a "money making mode" and tour, or work just to accumulate some extra income, but the majority of my dates are just for my pleasure, and to meet my social needs, even so, they require payment. I'm not looking to get involved emotionally with anyone, although sometimes that can be a fine line, so having the boundary of payment keeps that line secured, at least for me. So when any one of my clients suggests meeting for free, I feel insulted, hurt, and find that very selfish. Why would he think that my time at one point is worth paying for, yet at other times, is not, and why would he want to cross that line and make things awkward? I would hope all my repeat clients would understand my needs and want me to prosper.They should know their donations help me with doing so........So please respect my boundaries.It just makes things so much simpler, and then allows for completely relaxed, unbridled fun.....