
Busy, busy, busy.....

24 Jan, 2025

The nerdowells, bullies and deperadoes seem to be busiier than ever. You know those losers who spend their time trying to affect negatively, or interup the lives of those they target. 

These past few months have been great for me, so it's no surprise that I'm being targeted..The losers despise when I speak about my happiness, doing well, and good luck, lol. Yesterday, Friday was an especially great day/evening.....The irony of these game players, is that when they appear, I have a day or days, or an evening or evenings in which something wonderful happens. So although every now and then some idiot will do his or her best to ruin my run of good fortune, it always backfires on them as more good fortune comes my way, lol.....So no matter how hard they try, I'm going to keep being positive, grateful, and secure in knowing that no matter what some loser tries to do, the universe, my guardian angle, or whatever energy keeps giving me positivity, will keep giving me more, and more, and I'll continue prospering and enjoying each day to the fullest.

May good fortune also come your way!!