
Because this happened!!

05 Feb, 2025

I hadn't intended on writing another blog until my return from vacation, but because of a recent incident, and my change in vacation plans, I'm wrting this today, July 7.....

I've said it before, that my screening isn't always successful in weeding out the assholes from the nice guys, and this most recent incident has proven that once again. However, I'm aware that I can't always be to hard on, nor blame myself for letting one slip through, as some assholes are just very good at pretending to be nice guys, until they don't get what they want....

I recently spoke to a guy who wanted to book a same day appt, which was a Monday, I was unable to accept him, and suggested the following day, or later in the week....He choose the following day (Tuesday). I received his screening information, and then proceeded to ask him some questions. He had said he understood everything, had read my website, and would probably want a 2 hour appointment, but would start with the hour then decide....I had told him upon booking, I had to know how much time to block off. He settled on an hour, and we set our date for 6 pm that following evening.The following morning at 933am he sends a text cancelling. My website and I both make it clear about my cancellation policy. As you can see from the text  pictured in this blog, he pretended he wasn't aware of it. So I proceeded to call him to make it clear and he was nothing but rude, pushy, and insulting. He insisted that he's cancelled flights many times with an hours notice, without penalty, and that he's also seen lots of other ladies who've never expected anything from him when he's cancelled with them.(So I think it's safe to assume, that he thinks all escorts should operate like airlines, and because some escorts he's seen does things their way, all others should follow suit, lol) He then told me I was all about money....his words, "so it's money, money, money"....and that I was being unprofessional and that he was planning to reshedule.....LOL!! I said, funny you made no mention of resheduling in your text. He had an excuse and an answer for everything......Looking back,when we had our conversation there were a few red flags that I should have paid attention to. The first was when he seemed to think he could book the time he wanted, how he wanted. He seemed a little annoyed that I wouldn't allow him to decide how much time to book once he got here. Another being, upon him telling me one of the reasons he chose me was because of my having no tattoos, he then proceeded to be somewhat condescending towards those who had them. He made others comments which I ignored, and now realize I shouldn't have. As I do believe those guys that compare us, and who make even minor criticisms of how another looks, operates, dresses, etc, are most often the guys that will be problematic. As has been the case once again....

 This asshole has recently moved here from Alberta, so lucky for the ladies there, and unlucky for those here who'll actually get to meet this goof in person. Although he insisted that he'd not be calling anyone here if that is how escorts in Halifax operated....How dare we expect to be paid when a client cancels....How dare we!!! 

I shouldn't have to explian this, as those with common sense and thoughtfulness, get it.....for those who don't, I know I'm wasting my time writing this, but here goes anyhow, lol.....When I accept an appointment and block off a time for you, I'm not answering my phone or advertising to attract another client. As I've filled the spot/s I wanted/needed filled. So when you cancel, especially same day, that gives me no time to regain that income, or to fill that spot. I also have my own personal things to work around and reshedule, which I've done when I've accepted your date. Is it fair that your inconvenience becomes mine.  Is it fair because something comes up for you that I then should have to spend more time and money to advertise again to regain another client......  For anyone to think they can just book and cancel on a whim, is selfish, unprofessional and irresponsible! Responsible adults take care of their obligations, and once you book something/someone/sometime, you've obligated yourself to it. Your change of plans shouldn't inconvenience another, nor do they negate your obligation. 

To the assholes out there who are as disrespectful, and as inconsiderate as this goof...grow the fuck up and take care of your obligations and act like a grown man!