
Apparently you can generalize about Asians.....

24 Jan, 2025


Where are those stewards of the sex work community to attack those within this thread.....

That site and some of it's members are so full of hypocrisy, if hypocristy had a smell, you'd be able to smell it from where you sit....

Time and time Asian escorts/sex workers are lumped together as a group, and called out for being different things, namely "bait n switchers". And no one calls out racism. Nor do the stewards come prancing to cry foul.....Apparently it's acceptable to them to make generalizations about Asian sex workers,......And where are all those righteous men and women......Why aren't  they proclaiming how they have worked with, know of, or have hired many wonderful Asian sexworkers, who are not bait n switchers. I mean, how dare anyone lump an ethnic group into one category and call them anything but wonderful! I'll tell you where they are.....they are sitting on their hypocritical asses with their mouths shut because it's not a topic they care to defend. A board member in that thread even joked about pimping, yet the steward and her crew never copy and pasted her quote to start a thread to highlight just how awful and wrong  pimping is, or to chastise that member for saying such a thing!!.....why? I'll tell you. Because on that site and within sex work, there are a plethora of hypocristes and they allow some people to get away with just about anything, and others they attack. As far as they are concerned, its not what someone says, or how it's said, it's who says what, and about who, and where they say it....... it's just that simple.

To clarify, I know Kim pointed out, in that thread, how wrong the comment about pimping was, and I thank her for doing so. I do not consider her one of the stewards, nor has she ever attacked anyone. Whenever she has corrected anyone she has done so with diplomacy and politeness. I don't believe her to be a person who take sides, or who enjoys starting fights. I believe she wants fairness for all. There are those within sex work who are Switzerland. They have no bones to pick, they don't group with people to attack anyone,  and they'll point out wrongs/wrong doings, without bias. It's just a shame that they are the minority.