
Another shit show.....

24 Jan, 2025

Today, (Saturday), transpired into a shit show.....some information was passed to me concerning a local escort, who has apparently been telling people that I'm dangerous, and advising her clients that I and another lady, should be avoided. After hearing this, and out of anger and frustration, for continually having to defend myself from this type of maliciousness, I reacted out of emotion, and posted about this on twitter. I was angry, angry at this person for saying what she has said, and at myself for making it all public. In the end, people will believe what they believe, regardless of it's truth, or source.....So making it public, was a mistake on my part. But for my own piece of mind, I will always feel the need to defend myself from such poison. Hence my blogging about it here. It's important to me, that I speak my truth and here, I believe, is a fitting place to do so.

I have been blocked by her on twitter, and have her blocked, so I couldn't dm her to ask her personally there, but I admit, I should have tried contacting her in another way, before making my post. Not that doing so would have changed anything..... I did find her number, after the fact, and sent her a text asking why she was saying such things. And of course, she denied saying anything, and asked me to not make accusations without having proof. I'm not sure what proof she'd want, a voicemail of the conversation, or a copy of a text, email, or what?.....Would proof then give her cause to make an admission?....I doubt it, and those who are innocent, imo, wouldn't have a need to ask to see proof of their actions, because if they were innocent they'd know there would be no proof. She then accused me of sicking my hounds on her, ( not sure what that means, or who my hounds are supposed to be) she also said "that she was sorry that my business was so slow that I have to start drama and believe false rumors".....Apparently she seems to think that she knows how many clients I see or don't see, and I'm sorry, but telling clients that I, or anyone should be avoided, is starting drama....*She* started the drama....and the fact that she responded to me as she did, by insulting me, speaks volumes........There are a few ladies, and some guys in this community, who are like her, and who just can't keep their comments or opinions of other escorts, to themselves, and who like to perpetuate nonsense, and spread slander. You'd think by now, I'd be used to hearing the nonsense.

I'm of the belief that anyone has the right to dislike whomever, yet taking that dislike to a level to where they have a need to defame a persons character as a stab at trying to ruin the persons livelihood, is beyond petty, unnecessarily cruel, and speaks volumes about the depravity of those who say such things. 

Edit-So I've deleted the twitter thread. As I said, I wasn't feeling great about having posted it there to begin with, and I feel this blog will be enough to explain things. I've tried to keep my twitter feed clear of drama, and only for posting my ads, for promoting other ladies, and things that make people smile, laugh or think. However, I firmly believe what I've been told, no matter how much she denies saying it. Since the sources from which it has come, don't have anything to gain by making it known. They have no motivation to want to harm her.They just believe she was wrong for saying what she said.

Going forward, I will ask anyone that hears anything said about me, to please keep it to themselves. As my knowing only leaves me feeling upset, and doesn't really serve me any purpose other than giving me cause to have to defend myself, once again.

  She and anyone else like her, will never admit to what they have said or done, and those hearing or reading it all will believe one side or the other, regardless of who says what. So it's really pointless to give this type of stuff any attention. 

I understand that being honest, isn't always easy, nor is admitting fault. But when you're caught, you're caught. So it's best just to admit your guilt, apologize and move on..... Doing so, I feel, shows strength of character.... those who continually deny their actions when caught, and who spread such maliciousness, are, as I see them, cowards. They don't care about being real or honest, nor do they have the courage to be so.