
And this happened.....musings and happenings from the past couple of days....

24 Jan, 2025

I post often on twitter, I'm outspoken, I speak out against what I find to be unjust or problematic, etc,  I stand up to people and I've allowed my phone number to be public........all these actions attract interesting reactions and unsavory I experienced early this Morning (May 10 between 208 am-238am)....I woke up early obviously, and bored with TV, I went on twitter and not shortly after tweeting, I received 4 separate texts from 4 different #'s. 3 were text apps 1 a cell number.....One admitted to seeing me  on twitter ( now blocked, he is 21 and asked to meet at 2am!!).....One of the other numbers was a very long text, friendly, complimentary, and offering to send me something......BUT This morning I responded and got no response until I do get a response, and even tho that text was somewhat positive, the no response makes it questionable.((Amendment---he responded yesterday....thank you kind sir for your kindness and for proving my suspicious mind to be wrong.)).. The other  texts were the typical "hey", "what's up" follishness.....considering that all four came in within minutes from one another, all could even be the same person.......

On a more postive and less suspicious note, lol, is about the course I will be taking, when isolation ends......I spoke to the person who will be training me and I was given the cost for the course and assurance that they will be able to adjust the course to suit my needs.... I'm very excited about this.....If you're reading this and feeling generous...a donation towards my education would be deeply appreciated you could e-transfer to [email protected] you

The wind.....we've had many windy days lately.....last nights was one of the strongest.....and probably part of the reason why I woke so early....what is causing such strong winds in our province and so many of them I wonder.....

The contest......I made a tweet the other day about a competion being held on one of the review boards....I saw that Vipfavors had teamed with what I will now call "that other site" and was giving away some ad spots to the winner....It left me wondering......

.......The contest allows ladies to post isolation pics, then members can vote for their "favorite pictures" ( that is the other sites wording) the winner will recieve a free featured ad (I believe that is the prize) on VIP... I thought this contest and the message it was sending  was counter productive to the message "that other site" claims to support, which is one of inclusivity, support and non-judgement towards "the community". I believe.......In an industry where we are regularly rated, judged and critiqued on our looks, and which doing so often creates feelings of inadequacy, competition and prejudice. Doesn't it seem counter productive to promote a contest where ladies pics (physicality) are voted on? Of course there are ladies who thrive within and who enjoy such contests/competition, but I think if we were all honest, having "winners" and "losers" ( which would be obvious by the numbers of votes each pic gets) in this type of competition, will leave some with feelings of having been rated, judged and even with feelings of inadequacy....  and "some" imo, is to many. If a site has the means to "give away" ad spots, why not just do that, why not just give them away and give them to those who need the extra financial help. Why make ladies compete for them in such away as it is their looks or popularity, that will garner them the prize, which, inevitably will leave some with feelings of being not equal too or feeling less than the winner/s.....Personally, I'd want the ladies to all feel equally valued for their individual beauty, and not physically judged...... the very least, if you needed to have a competiton why not have one that allowed ladies to show a talent, such as, who could write the most creative ad....... However....I suspect the point of this contest is to draw viewers,  and viewers brings $$$ to the sites, so I feel just in saying this too flies in the face of them wanting "to support" the community, instead,  I believe they are simply grasping at ways to increase their traffic  which will help bring profit and profit is their primary goal, if we're going to be honest.........something to think about.


My covid days....I think I'm  still doing well.... although I'm bored, eating to much and craving a road trip......I hate not being able to go where I want when I want.....although, I'm proud of myself for remaining financially independent, for the most part, and remaining sane, lol and healthy.........stay safe and stay tuned....Ill have more to say soon. Thanks for dropping by!!