
A little bit of this and that...

18 Oct, 2024

I haven't had much to say lately, lol, isn't that a surpirse....I've been busy with my biz, socially, and being out more because of the warmer weather doing this and that. All those things has kept me away from posting here. But recently I read a thread on a review board, which got my hackles up. So here I am, with the need to say something!!

 The thread I'm speaking about was made by some guy who seems frustrated because he feels there aren't enough "new" 18-21 yrs for him to choose from and that there needs to be more "flavours" of women. .....his quote-"I miss the days when there were new younger sps trying out the market locally. I'm not talking about anyone outside of the legal age, those legit, verifiable 18-21 yrs olds who would start in the industry. I'm frustrated with the influx of Asian pretenders, I do love Asian women, But I would like different flavours.....end quote

So all those asshats who follow his mindset are going to say that because of my age, that because I'm older, I'm jealous because I can't compete.....That's the route they'll take.That's the argument these types of guys always will make when any of us speaks out against their misogynistic garble.....Because these predators will never admit to being exactly what they are....Grown men who get off on chasing inexperienced, pubescent looking girls they can exploit, manipulate, and control.....They have issues!!!

Note he states "new" clearly he has a preference to inexperienced females. That is a sign of a male wanting the ability to manipulate and control ....Then he states, 18, but not anyone outside of the legal age....Clearly if he were in another country and younger were legal, I guarantee he'd be chasing her.....I don't have enough words to articulate just how wrong this is......other than it's wrong! It's predatory, exploitative and it's gross.....These guys will claim that older women just aren't attractive to them....and perhaps there is some truth in that. Not in their case, but for some, I do understand the reality that some people dislike the physical signs that come with aging. But if that were *just* the case, if the signs of aging were their only reason for being attracted to "younger"  then they'd be also chasing later 20's-30-40 yr olds...As most women don't show physical signs of aging until 40 +....No, these guys *always* go for those who have just entered the "legal" years.That speaks volumes.....

From my early online days, and my start on the review boards, and my introduction into that culture,(2011) I was amazed and shocked by the standards accepted and the verbage men were allowed to get away with when speaking about us....I'd often comment that it was condescending, and disrespectful, but doing so often got me into hot water, and push back from other board members. They weren't open to anyone with a differing perspective towards escorting.  

I enjoy what I do. It's always been a choice for me and not one made for a need to survive. I have never felt competitive either. As I've never compared myself to anyone, nor did I or do I have a desire to want to out earn anyone, or earn a specific amount of money, in a specific amount of time.I've also never cared if I was thought of as popular, or not.....I've simply wanted to meet some nice people, while having some fun and to be compensated while doing so. I also am outspoken, and have no fear about being blunt, especially when I feel something is wrong, or unfair. Sometimes I may be reckless with my words, but reckless or not, they are always truthful.....That has won me a lot of enemies. I've learned that people don't like hearing the truth, and that there are many wolves in sheeps clothing in this industry and they don't like being revealed, lol. So many ladies pretending to love what they are doing, all why despising it, and lots of men masguerading as gentlemen all while being predatory perverts. Years ago, around 2013 and until my removal from the review board in(2015), then known as cerb, now Lyla, 3 women in particular, Lexy Grace, Emily Rushton, and Gabriella Laurence, and I'm sure a few others, all worked together to get me evicted off that site. Lexy Grace was the intitiator of it all....and why? Spite, vindictiveness, jealousy....all three had a superiority complex in those days, on that site, from my opinion, and all three are pretentious, malicious and vindictive cowards. Two, Gabriella, and Lexy, from my understanding are no longer active in the industry. Although I believe Lexy comes back into it every now and then. So beware, that woman is troubled, and trouble!!....Edit-and whether or not this is a coincidence I can't prove or say, but she has renewed her ad on tryst, and mine, which has been following all that sites protocols, and which has never received any reports, is now receiving reports!! I'd say it's no coincidence, as this is just how she acts, she's sneaky, vile and just that petty!!

This industry will always be plagued with the good and the bad. The good intentioned, and those who'll do anything to get ahead, and to get head, lol.....Clearly having a good character isn't a trait needed to be a successful, nor a popular participant.......

 Time has been fairly kind to me. I've learned that being vengeful towards those who've tried to harm me is pointless, stress causing, and a waste of my precious time. In the end, karma and time will decide who has deserved what...... as it treats us all to our just rewards.