
A curious case....

24 Jan, 2025

The human mind can certainly can cause a person to scratch their head trying to understand it's complexities....How people think can often be frustrating, backwards and hard to rationalize at times........For example: I am a single woman who derives her sexual and social pleasure from engaging with gentlemen who don't expect anything beyond our time together, and who'll also pay me for that time spent. Some in society believe those who date this way are then sinful, immoral, justifiably judged, and worthy of being blacklisted from communities, positions in society, clubs, groups, other jobs/professions, etc....It has always confused me as to why some adults become incensed, or disgusted by what other consenting adults do in their private time. Why does anyone concern themselves with another persons dating life? Especially when they know those willingly engaged are consenting adults, and not harming anyone.....I think what is disgusting and immoral, is to impose outdated sexual or social norms, on other people. It is time consenting adults were allowed to choose their partners and dating styles without shame, or the law stepping in. It is time nosey, petty, ultra conservative people stayed out of consenting adults bedrooms and private times.....

Vent over, thanks for listening...Happy Thursday
